1. Delete the app from the applications folder. It will end in .app
-Finder->Go->Applications find the app and delete it.
2. Delete the desktop shortcut/alias. It will end in .app.alias
3. Delete the .ROESEngineCache
-Finder->Go->Go to Folder
-When the window opens up, put in: ~/.ROESEngineCache
-Highlight all files and folders and Move to Trash.
4. Clear the roescache folder.
- Finder->Go->Go to Folder
- When the window opens up, put in: ~/.roescache
- Click Go. The contents of the .roescache folder will be displayed.
- Highlight all files and folders and Move to Trash.
5. Clear the .labname folder. The name is specific to the lab and should be obvious.
- Finder->Go->Go to Folder
- When the window opens up, put in: ~/.Loktah
- Click Go.
***Warning: The .Loktah folder contains prior sent orders, autosaved orders and saved
favorites or packages. If you feel the need to retain information then copy/move the folder
to the desktop rather than the trash
- Highlight all files and folders and Move to Trash.
6. Reinstall the ROES Client by downloading it within the My Account section of Loktah.com